In the Fullness of Time is an Amazon Best Seller

In the Fullness of Time is an Amazon Best Seller

Cover Image of In the Fullness of Time|Katherine P. Stillerman

In the Fullness of Time sold 126 copies on Kindle today and attained a Best Seller badge on Amazon.

The book is number 1 in the category of History and the South, in the same rarified air as John Berendt’s Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, one of my all time favorites.

It is also number 1 in the category of Movements and Periods, in which Tom Robbin’s Jitterbug Perfume is listed. Robbins is a favorite author for his creative and sometimes bizarre stories which I have always enjoyed.

In the Fullness of Time is number 9 in the category of Literary Fiction and Biography, in which George Saunders new book Lincoln in the Bardo is listed–a book I recently read a reviewed.  (See Lincoln in the Bardo).

This is only the first phase of a marketing campaign which will extend through the middle of April. I will write more details as the plan unfolds; however, I wanted to share the good news that the campaign is off to an excellent start!

Thanks to all of you who have supported my writing effort by purchasing and/or promoting In the Fullness of Time to lovers of historical fiction.



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