Women and World War II: The Cigar Factory by Michele Moore

Women and World War II: The Cigar Factory by Michele Moore

Image of Cigar Factory cover

The Cigar Factory by Michele Moore

The Cigar Factory is the story of two devout Catholic families living in Charleston during the world wars. The white McGonegals and the African American Ravenels work on segregated floors of the Charleston cigar factory where Cassie McGonegal and her niece Brigid work upstairs, rolling cigars by hand, and Meliah Amey Ravenel works in the basement stemming tobacco. All suffer harsh working conditions and endure sexual harassment by the foremen.

But each is unaware of their common plight until the Tobacco Workers Strike of 1945 when they meet on the picket line and learn how much they have to gain by standing together.

The story is rich with references to low country South Carolina culture and cooking, and the Gullah language used in the dialogue gives the story an authentic flavor.

More Books on Little-Known History

For additional novels based on less well known historical events like the tobacco Workers Strike of 1945, see Kathy’s Booklist for Novels of Women in World War II.

For additional stories about strong and independent women, check out the Barton Family Series by Katherine P. Stillerman.

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